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A neighbor of Alto Gállego stopped for stealing jewels to the elders who took care

Agents of the Judicial Police of the Civil Guard of Huesca and Jaca arrested on April 15, in the region of the Alto Gallego to a woman as an alleged author of a crime of theft of jewelry to vulnerable age of advanced age.The events date back to April 7, when the Zaragoza National Police Brigade made the Civil Guard of Huesca to the Civil Guard that had detected a sale of jewels in a establishment of the capital raised suspicion between the lots sold.

In one of the seats, there were three gold pendants one of them with an inscription with the date of a wedding in 1950, not seems that there was any link between the jewels and the person who sold them.In addition, the clerk could see that the woman was carrying a lot of jewels in a bag without offering them for sale.

The woman who made the transaction was a neighbor of Alto Gallego, so the Civil Guard Judicial Police agents initiated efforts for their location, resulting in it was dedicated to the care of older person at home.The researchers, with the names and dates that were in one of the pendants, made efforts with the bishopric of Jaca, managing to locate a marriage held in the 50s of two people whose names corresponded to the inscriptions of the pendants.

Detenida una vecina del Alto Gállego por robar joyas a los ancianos que cuidaba

After locating the owner of the jewels and certifying that they were of her property, it indicated that she had missed some pieces and that they could have been stolen by some of the caregivers who had assisted her in recent months, resulting in one of themThe same woman who proceeded to sell at the establishment of Zaragoza.

A 31 -year -old woman was then arrested as an alleged author of a crime of theft taking advantage of the fact that they were helpless and advanced people, abusing their trust.

On the part of the agents, and duly authorized by the Court, an entry and registration was held at the domicile of the detainee.Numerous jewels of which she could not prove the legitimate origin of it were located inside the house.The researchers are making efforts to locate their owners among the people to whom the detainee would have attended in recent months.

In the investigation of facts, agents of the Judicial Police team of the Civil Guard of Jaca have participated.The proceedings instructed together with the detainee were made available to the Jaca Guard Court, which decreed the withdrawal of the passport and his personation weekly in the court.

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