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The 25 million pesos in jewels that Cain looked when he was killed

El operativo del Army contra 'Caín', jefe de la banda 'Los Caparros’El operativo del Army contra 'Caín', jefe de la banda 'Los Caparros’

Emiliano Alcides Osorio was the ruthless chief of the caps.This was the operation.


Attorney General's Office

Military forces




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17 de noviembre 2020, 12:07 P. M.
Justicia17 de noviembre 2020, 12:07 P. M.

Among bushes, tried to evade the authorities was dead this Sunday, November 17, about one in the afternoon, Emiliano Alcides Osorio, aka Cain or Pilate, maximum chief of the Criiminal Network that calls himself 'Los Caparros'.'Cain', who faced the public force, was laid out without a few 250 meters from the house that was its operations center for several months.In his body a heavy gold chain protruded, with a pyramid -shaped dije, macisa, and two rings. Que inicialmente fueron avaluados en 25 millones de pesos.

'Cain' was considered the terror of bass cauca antioquia. "Para intimidar y dejar en claro cual era su territorio mataba sin compasión, mandaba degollar a sus víctimas y dejaba expuestos los cuerpos de sus víctimas.In fact, he was part of the most wanted to murder social leaders, "the commander of the Seventh Division of the Army, General Juan Carlos Ramírez Trujillo, told El time.The officer said that by 'Cain' there was a reward of up to 500 million pesos for information that facilitated its location and capture.(It could be of interest to read: in combat with the army 'Cain' died, maximum head of 'Los Caparros') A 'Cain' located him in a coordinated work between police intelligence and the army in the village of the La Unión de Unión villageTarazá, in Antioquia, an area that had become his fort.

En combate con el Army murió 'Caín', máximo jefe de 'los Caparros'
Asesinan a dos policías en zona rural de Puerto Libertador, Córdoba
Un solo disparo habría matado a mujer y niña de 12 años en Córdoba

"In the house, which although located in the rural area, the head of 'Los Caparros' had all the comfort and luxuries. Hasta allí llegaban las mujeres que el mandaba traer desde diferentes zonas del departamento. Trago fino y de vez en cuando ropa de marca", dijo a este diario uno de los investigadores que estuvo al frente del caso.One of the weaknesses of 'Cain' was gold, and more based on the low Cauca is aurífera zone."Many of the extortion payments he pressed were in gold. Y con ese oro mandaba fundir joyas macisas, las cuales le entregaba a sus mujeres", señaló el general Ramírez.In the place, the personal weapon of 'Cain' was also found, a Gock 17 gun.(He is sure to read: Cain, the narco of the $ 100 million facedAttorney General and a bulk of technology, such as drones.

Los 25 millones de pesos en joyas que lucía Caín al ser abatido

In the house, that although located in rural area, the head of 'Los Caparros' had all the comforts and luxuries.The women who commanded to bring arrived there

"He faced our men and was killed in the reaction.His escorts or security ring abandoned him, they left him alone, "said General Ramírez.De igual forma, el oficial señaló que están pendientes de la reacción que puedan tener los alias Flechas y el Evangélico, quienes serían los sucesores de 'Caín', y a quienes les envío un fuerte mensaje: "el único camino que les queda es someterse a la justicia. O serán capturados o muertos", sentenció el comandante de la Séptima División.

Los crímenes que involucran a 'Caín'

De acuerdo con la fiscalía de Francisco Barbosa, entidad que fue vital en la ubicación de 'Caín', durante el proceso fueron interceptadas más de 60 líneas telefónicas y se realizaron 10 diligencias de registro y allanamiento en diferentes puntos del bajo Cauca antioqueño.Precisely, with this work, last week the Army held a fight with part of the 'Cain' security ring, on the village of La Esmeralda de Cáceres, Antioquia, where three of their trusted men were killed.The itinerant group of the Prosecutor's Office had linked him to different processes for his participation in the crimes of four human rights defenders, they are: Jader Leonel Polo Baltazar and Jader Manuel Pertuz Polo, beneficiaries of the Integral Replacement Program for Illicit Crops, killedIn Al Versailles district in San José de Uré (Córdoba), in May 2019.Querubín de Jesús Zapata Avilés, president of the Municipal Youth Platform of Caucasia.Crime occurred in the Las Brisas de Caucasia neighborhood, under Antioquia Cauca, in February 2019.Eladio de Jesús Posso Espinosa, Treasurer of the Community Action Board of the Vereda Triunf.Known Homicide in October 2018.JUSTICE

17 de noviembre 2020, 12:07 P. M.
Justicia17 de noviembre 2020, 12:07 P. M.

Attorney General's Office

Military forces




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