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Thus they have stolen 15,000 Colombians with the story of the millionaire inheritance

Así han robado a 15.000 colombianos con el cuento de la herencia millonariaAsí han robado a 15.000 colombianos con el cuento de la herencia millonaria.

The model is still used and people do not stop falling.Several churches have been involved.






Duvan Alfonso Alvarez de las Salas

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05 de noviembre 2021, 11:00 P. M.
Duvan Alfonso Alvarez de las Salas05 de noviembre 2021, 11:00 P. M.

Estafados y endeudados hasta el cuello, así quedaron Román y Yomaira, dos adultos mayores que vivían en una pequeña casa en Sincelejo, Sucre. Esta pareja fue víctima de una de las modalidades de estafa que más dinero les ha quitado a los colombianos: la herencia millonaria.(Also read: Eye to 'Persuasive game' with which thieves steal cell phones in Bogotá).

A Román y Yomaira, una mujer los contactó y se ganó su confianza para que les prestara un dinero que necesitaba para recuperar una herencia que el Gobierno le quería quitar y que cuando la tuviera en su poder iba a compartir con la pareja.They fell into their deception and put all their savings of informal work, because they saw in this inheritance the opportunity to leave the poor.However, it was not enough with the money they had "saved in the matt.All of the above without knowing the hell that awaited them and that would end up being the object of the hatred of many people who innocently trusted them, as well as them in the millionaire heritage of that woman.(You may be interested: Moto thieves drag women for stealing the bag in Bucaramanga).Román y Yomaira fueron víctimas de la estafa de la herencia millonaria en 2019, pero esta es una modalidad que lleva décadas funcionando, y les ha generado tanto incalculables réditos a sus inescrupulosos creadores y operadores como desgracias y problemas a sus miles de víctimas.

El origen

It all started in 1993, when María Elvia Rodelo Zambrano, 29 years old at the time, moved to the Republic of Chile neighborhood, in the southwest of Cartagena.Según información recaudada dentro de la comunidad por la Fiscalía, Rodelo llegó al barrio en condiciones casi de indigencia.Nobody knew where it came from, but won the favor of the people, because it was kind and related well to the neighbors.His passage through the Chile neighborhood was short, but beneficial for their personal purposes, because at the end of that 1993 the woman disappeared without a trace and left the doubt of her whereabouts in the community.People wondered what would have happened to María Elvia, but there were no answers.(Interest: Millionaire robbery of a trade and murder: this was the night in Bogotá).

That doubt remained in the air and was a matter of recurring conversation on the terraces of the houses in the sector until the middle of 1995, when through the narrow streets of the neighborhood he walked slowly - as exhibited - in a Toyota Bubble last model.From that luxurious truck, surrounded by several bodyguards, Maria Elvia Rodelo Zambrano was lowered.The woman who was previously considered almost a homeless in the neighborhood, now wore expensive clothes and wore gold jewelry in neck, ears and hands.Next to her, her husband, Luis Concepción Rodelo Sayas, 35 years old at that time.The whole neighborhood was surprised and went out to see the new María Elvia.They wanted to know what had happened to him and how he was now rich.At that time no one imagined that everything was a plan by María Elvia to cheat and that when they heard them were already advertising to be one of their victims.(You can read: They are presented as sex workers to dock in the center of Cartagena).

The woman narrated in the Chile neighborhood that she had gone to work in Cúcut

Así han robado a 15.000 colombianos con el cuento de la herencia millonaria

"The woman narrated in the Chile neighborhood that she had gone to work in Cúcut. Afortunadamente, según ella, se le apareció la Virgen del Carmen y le dijo que le iba a hacer un milagro", explica Ernesto*, quien fue uno de los funcionarios de la Fiscalía en Cartagena que le dio cacería a Rodelo y su estructura criminal.María Elvia said that the miracle she received came in the form of a person who practically adopted her. Se trataba de Oto Benito Rueda Zárate, un supuesto empresario multimillonario de origen venezolano, quien había perdido a su familia y le había cogido cariño a ella porque le recordaba a su hija fallecida.Sin embargo, poco tiempo después Rueda murió, no sin antes decidir que ella sería la beneficiaria de su enorme herencia de 4,8 billones de pesos.But this act of solidarity and wheel love had a condition and that is that fortune could only be claimed with altruistic acts.Now, María Elvia was responsible for that fortune, on which she would be entitled if and only if half of it was distributed among other people in acts of generosity.Thus began the scam of the millionaire inheritance.(Also read: How insecure is the Bogotá area where they stole Claudia Bahamón?).

Las 'primeras víctimas'

From his arrival in Cartagena, Rodelo began to execute his scam.The model was simple.First, he told the story of his life and explained the situation. Segundo, las personas que la escuchaban y se interesaban debían entregarle 40.000 pesos para gastos notariales y una fotocopia de su cédula por ambos lados para ser incluidos en la lista de beneficiarios.Third, be attentive to the updates that she was giving them about the legal process and - in case of being necessary - to contribute more money for lawyer expenses.In the Chile neighborhood many of its neighbors fell between 1995 and 2003.In addition, it scammed hundreds of Cartagena more in other neighborhoods of the city, some even in exclusive sectors.

Other people in Cartagena explained that her husband was a drug trafficker who managed to negotiate her freedom with Colombian justice committing themselves to distribute her assets among the community.

"She molded her story according to her victim. Other people in Cartagena explained that her husband was a drug trafficker who managed to negotiate her freedom with Colombian justice committing themselves to distribute her assets among the community, para lo cual necesitaban personas que aportaran con gastos notariales y de juristas que estaban en proceso de recuperar el dinero que la Dian les mantenía retenidos y poder entregarlos a la gente", precisa el exfuncionario.Pero los relatos de Rodelo y su marido eran falsos, el dinero que ostentaba desde el año 95 en Cartagena provenía de ese modelo de estafa que ya había aplicado en Barranquilla y Sucre, donde se alió con pastores de iglesias evangélicas que convencían a sus seguidores para que le entragaran dineros y documentos a la mujer."Rodelo estuvo así durante años, estafando a miles de personas en la Costa y aprovechándose de la ventaja de que sus primeras víctimas eran profundamente religiosas y como el dinero era de 'origen divino' por el supuesto milagro que la mujer recibió, casi nunca reclamaron ni generaron escándalos", detalla Ernesto.(We recommend: Getsemaní, the 'Cool' neighborhood of Cartagena claims for lighting and security).

El resbalón

Rodelo had been driving his victims very well.She knew how to keep them calm. Sin embargo, su ambición le trajo problemas, pues empezó a apuntar a víctimas más adineradas e inquietas, a quienes les pedía sumas de hasta 300 millones de pesos.One of Rodelo's victims told the Prosecutor's Office that "on December 4, 2000 María Elvia hired a Brasilia Bus and 27 group heads we went to Bogotá and hosted us at the Dann Hotel. Allá nos pidió entre 5 y 7 millones de pesos por persona, más fotocopia de la cédula autenticada en la Notaría 9.The silver was going to receive it at 2 in the afternoon in a bank that never revealed and it was when I began to suspect and doubt ".

With that testimony and that of hundreds of more people the fall of Rodelo began to work.On July 29, 2003, the capture of María Elvia was achieved, just when she was at the gates of receiving another million dollar amount of dozens of victims who had summoned a meeting in Bogotá.(In addition: Thus they stole valuable statue in Huila and appeared in a Denmark mansion).María Elvia Rodelo was sentenced to 13 years in jail for aggravated fraud.However, he was in jail only for five months."No one explains how it came out so fast.But, we always suspect that it was thanks to his contacts, because he used part of his money to rub should.

De vuelta a las andadas

While he was imprisoned and for a while after he was free, he was not known more from María Elvia.However, investigations from the Prosecutor's Office suggest that their religious victims continued to trust her and gave her more money, because she explained that her imprisonment was due to problems that her husband had in the past and ended up splashing her.

To stay away from justice, it began to apply it in small villages of Sucre, Bolívar, Atlántico, Antioquia, Cesar and Santander.

"Once he left he stayed with low profile, but continued with his scam.To stay away from justice, it began to apply it in small towns in Sucre, Bolívar, Atlántico, Antioquia, Cesar and Santander. Y ahora se enfocaba más que nada en grupos religiosos, los cuales le habían dado más resultados", acota Ernesto.His new plan gave him results for several years and the victims that left over at least nine departments of the national territory amounted to thousands.(You may be interested: they gagged them at home and stole safe with $ 300 million).In addition, now he did not give his face and did not hold so much in public.Rodello understood that he would be safer delegating the task of capturing people to the shepherds of the churches where he wanted to ride their scam and lowering their economic claims a little.For 2013 it is estimated that María Elvia Rodelo had already obtained more than 100.000 million pesos with the millionaire heritage. Ya tenía un pequeño imperio económico ilegal bien protegido por el secreto de sus víctimas, las cuales casi nunca la denunciaron.

But that same year, Rodelo's stability was disturbed when a community in the María Eugenia neighborhood in Barrancabermeja denounced that the shepherd of her church had been cheating since 2009. La religiosa en cuestión era una de las lacayas de Rodelo y había puesto su iglesia a disposición de la estafa para lucrarse.The complaint triggered an investigation that ended in the second and, apparently, definitive capture of María Elvia, who was a victim of ambition and could not resist receiving a strong sum of money that a victim was going to deliver to him in a recognizedCartagena hotel.That unsuspecting was a member of the CTI and the appointment was simply the trap in which it surrounded it, who for years looked cunning, ended up falling.Rodelo and their criminal structure condemned them for aggravated fraud and concert to commit crimes, and today they are all imprisoned.(You can read: Family stole parking lots and then extorted the owners).Las autoridades estiman que durante sus casi 30 años de carrera criminal, María Elvia Rodelo habría estafado a más de 15.000 people and would have obtained profits for more than 200.000 million pesos.

La estafa no ha terminado

The case of Román and Yomaira, in Sincelejo, happened in 2019, with María Elvia being in jail. Sin embargo, ellos aseguran que la modalidad es la misma, aunque no saben si detrás de todo esté María Elvia, uno de sus tantos aliados o imitadores de Rodelo que se apropiaron del modelo de la herencia millonaria y lo refinaron aún más.However, what is clear is that the scam of the millionaire inheritance is still in the middle.In addition, he has now mutated as a virus.A Román y Yomaira los utilizaron para contar la historia y pedir dineros, y cuando la plata de la herencia no apareció, a esta pareja de bajos recursos la amenazaron de muerte en varias ocasiones las personas a las que les pidieron dinero prestado, por lo cual se vieron obligados a vender la casa para “matar las culebras” y poder estar en paz lo que les resta de vida.


Lea más noticias:

- Video: Child defends his mother, who is a victim of robbery in Cartagena- Bogotá: shoe factory that the robbery receives help to pay salaries- unusual: thief is forced to return objects that he had already sold

05 de noviembre 2021, 11:00 P. M.
Duvan Alfonso Alvarez de las Salas05 de noviembre 2021, 11:00 P. M.





Duvan Alfonso Alvarez de las Salas

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