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Dress to work from home _

Los rituales que alguna vez resultaron fundamentales para organizar una versión presentable de nosotros mismos para el público ahora se están cuestionando. ¿Quién dice que un hombre tiene que rasurarse y bañarse por la mañana? ¿Por qué usar zapatos si no puedes salir de casa?Vestirse para ir a trabajar desde casa | Moda | La Revista | El Universo Vestirse para ir a trabajar desde casa | Moda | La Revista | El Universo

"at first every night was Friday night," said Dichter, 36, a real estate agent who sells luxury residential properties in New York. "I was watching too much television and drinking too many drinks because it was not clear where this situation was going, but then I realized it was time to dress up properly. School night is still school night. "

Get dressed to go to work... From home

As the order to stay at home is extended, the old conventions begin to reestablish themselves, as well as the need to reinstate the daily toilet and clothing routines that many left behind.

"it's about preserving an idea of professionalism in a formless environment, where the sense of urgency is no longer there," said a creative director of a male fashion brand. "I have seven to ten meetings at zoom a day, and I feel a lot less prepared if I'm wearing pajamas."


A battle armor

Vestirse para ir a trabajar desde casa | Moda | La Revista | El Universo

Adolf Loos, Austrian architect, theorist and dandi, said that a person is well dressed not when he stands out, but when he wears the right clothes for the moment he presents himself. According to that standard, we should all wear a battle uniform. To be under control even if everything feels out of control. According to Konrad Olsson, 38, founder of Scandinavian Man, other factors are key to dressing for work.

The traditional suit, he commented, was a kind of protective uniform, a means to demarcate the boundaries between the public and private, work and leisure, the demands of the corporate world and the intimate needs of family life. "I Don't have my office, I Don't have my desk, I Don't have my colleagues or the other attributes of a job with me," Olsson said. "I'm sitting in my 9-year-old daughter's room working on all those zoom calls."

Putting on a sack, he added, not only improved his mood, but also helped him restore the "structure and contour" of the days that had begun to blur around his slippers. He started posting self-portraits on his Instagram account with the legend "there are no casual Fridays in a crisis."

"it sounds pretentious, but it's important to dress like this," he said. "it's about showing the world that I value our time and what we do together."

Meaning and comfort

The different garments can impact us in several ways, and these effects eventually come down to two factors: how we look in our clothes and what those clothes symbolize for us. "I have a theory in the field of fashion psychology that consists of dressing to optimize your mood dress," says Dawn Karen, author of the book dress your best life.

Shorts can be a prohibited option in a corporate environment, they're good for your telecommuting station.

Karen describes this practice as showing articles that speak to her on a personal level and that can help increase positivity. That could result in taking your favorite blouse, your favorite color, or anything else that has a special and meaningful meaning to you.

Another key is to find a balance between being ultra-elegant and being too comfortable. "you Don't have to wear a tie at home, but maybe wear a T-shirt and a blisser," Karen suggests.

"it's okay to wear the same outfit you wore the day before, especially if it was only for a few hours. This is only to lessen the fatigue of the decision. I would also say take the time to wear an outfit you always wanted to wear to work, but perhaps because of your work restrictions you are not allowed to wear those particular clothes. It's okay to have fun. "



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