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Are you prepared to face a natural disaster?

5 golden rules for any emergency

The type of disaster you may be exposed to will depend on which part of the country you live in. Following a few general rules, however, will help you be better equipped to deal with a variety of emergency situations that Mother Nature may surprise you with.

1. Have a home emergency kit ready

Although we have all heard about the need to have a bag or suitcase ready with everything we need if we have to leave the house on the run, we do not always have it ready and at hand. So today is the day! ...you'll appreciate it if you suddenly find yourself face to face with a natural disaster and have to rely on your own resources to survive inside or outside your home until help arrives. In general, it is a good idea to choose one of the bags or suitcases that you use to travel since they have subdivisions that will help you organize the content and are easier to transport since they have wheels (if you have a car, choose one that fits easily in the trunk). . What to put inside? It depends on your specific needs and those of your family. Here is a guide to what you should not miss:



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