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From English teacher to jewelry of Queen Letizia.Argentina who with her designs conquers royalty

Cuando Lisi Fracchia, la argentina joyera que conquistó Europa con sus diseños, era la profe Miss Lisi, directora del colegio Privado Ingeniero Julio Krause de Cipolletti (hoy cerrado) nunca se imaginó que cambiaría el guardapolvo y los pasillos de la escuela por los diseños de alta costura y las pasarelas de las fashion week más exclusivas. Sencilla, familiera (es la mayor de 5 hermanos, está casada y es madre de dos hijas), confiesa sin culpa que jamás se interesó por las joyas. “Siempre que miraba vidrieras eran carteras o ropa, joyas en mi vida miré. Nunca me llamaron la atención”, dice con cierto desparpajo desde su coqueto atelier en Madrid, donde recibe a una selecta clientela y pedidos de la mismísima realeza española.De profesora de inglés a joyera de la reina Letizia. La argentina que con sus diseños conquista a la realeza De profesora de inglés a joyera de la reina Letizia. La argentina que con sus diseños conquista a la realeza

In 2005 an unexpected turn took her to live in Madrid and her life took an absolute turn.He was 38 years old.“I went for the work of my husband, who is a geologist.I was an English teacher, director at a Cipolletti school, in the south.He also gave language classes in companies, worked a lot - he remembered an Argentine accent that he never lost -.I arrived in Madrid with my two -month -old baby, that is, I premiered as a mother.I continued working that year in an oil company and in another company giving English classes until I got pregnant again and as it was a complicated pregnancy I could not continue working.But when you are used to working so much and leave sudden.

At that time the company in which her husband worked offered the couples of the expatriates the possibility of studying a career.Lisi already spent 40.“An Argentine friend told me:‘ Why don't you write in gemology? ’I had no idea what it was, and over with more than 40 years I seemed crazy to start something so different.But I noted to try in a pearl course of the Spanish Gemological Institute (which now integrates the Board of Directors) and thus I started, at 42 ″.

The teacher who taught her made her passion for that world."I fell in love.Those workshops really wanted to continue learning.I made my first collection of pearl necklaces and presented them at a meeting of the International New Comers Club, which is an association of English -speaking women who live in a foreign country and gather to speak in their language.I went to those meetings not to lose English.In one of those breakfast I presented the collection of pearl necklaces that I had made.I only made headquarters with different types of pearls and organic gems.I sold these 60 necklaces very quickly and there I said ‘you can see that I will continue to train’ and so I started with the gemology career fully ”.

De profesora de inglés a joyera de la reina Letizia. La argentina que con sus diseños conquista a la realeza

Soon life forced her to give another flying.“My husband was transferred again and we settled in Brazil, which is the paradise of gems.There I did expert in gems and goldsmiths.I introduced myself in a contest and won it.The prize was to expose in a jewelry store, that in Brazil there is one behind the other.I started going out in La Vogue, Lale and started to get known.And when it seemed that everything was aimed, just at that time they moved my husband to Madrid again and I had to start again in Spain, in 2014 - Lisi says -.That year I introduced myself in a contest of a very important fair called Madrid Joya.My professor convinced me to score me, I told him no, that I was past age, that it was for young people.But he insisted so much that I was missing three minutes to close the registration.And I won.The prize was a spectacular stand at the fair and there I had to go out of trouble to make cards, to register to bill because I had nothing, ”recalls Lisi, who has just arrived from Dubai where he was presenting some pieces of his collection.

"No one knew who his majesty were the slopes"

Having won that contest opened the doors definitely."I started going out in the press and introduced myself in other competitions that I also won as that of the Fashion Week in Milan".From there, Lisi's growth had no roof.Until, in 2018 he received a very special commission: “They asked me to design a piece for her majesty the Letizia.And I designed some earrings that give me a lot of pride because they loved them, they were put on several occasions, the most important was on an official trip to the United States ”.The earrings soon caught the attention because he used a gem, the Spanish sphalerite, which in Spain was forgotten.“It is a mineral that according to the size you give it, it has greater dispersion than the diamond.It is a beauty.I rescued something typical and the impact was a lot, ”he says about his famous creation.

Every time a personality like his majesty Queen Letizia uses her jewels, the impact is enormous.“When she wore the earrings for the first time, I learned from the press.No one knew who those earrings were and they called me from the Royal House to tell me that I could say it, because many families of European royalty that I cannot say and I find out when I see the published photos - I see Fracchia -.I went out to tell it because they also didn't know what gems were and were saying something wrong.I went out to clarify what it was about spheres when they gave me the authorization.The earrings have in the TSAVORITAS and OPALOS MIDDE, which with their eyes were beautiful.I have been commissioned several pieces, but I can't say much.I can only comment on what comes out in the press, ”Lisi excuses himself, which for the first time gets serious when talking about royalty.

But Queen Letizia is not the only woman in the European monarchy who has fraccia pieces in her jeweler.Maximum Zorreguieta also keeps some earrings that Lisi specially designed for her."It was not a commission.As I admire it a lot, I made some earrings and I sent them.I was lucky that he received them and loved them and thanked me with a letter sent by his private secretary to my office.When I received it, I was so excited that I started jumping - he laughs -.To her majesty the queen Sofia I have also done several things and had the gesture of sending me a super pretty letter, ”says Lisi grateful.

Other important women who have wore their designs are the former and current first lady of Argentina: “I had the opportunity to briefly meet Juliana Awada and also has some slopes of mine.Fabiola Yañez put on my jewels from the Amancay collection, inspired by Patagonia, on the official tour he made here in Spain in which he wore clothes from Gabriel Lage and Ivana Picallo, ”says Lisi, who has a great relationship with several Argentine designersof Haute Couture, such as Lage.The Argentine Soprano Virginia Tola, who recently sang with Plácido Domingo in Spain, put on her jewels, including the flashing of Columbus (in honor of the emblematic theater of Buenos Aires).Among the show, Lali Espósito, Anne Igartiburu (Spanish actress and presenter who for years has given the bells on TVE with the archifamous Ana Obregón), singer Malú and other Spanish personalities such as Carmen Machi (the latter in the movie The Cover,freshly released) have looked their exclusive designs.

But beyond that many of its creations are unique pieces, Fracchia says it has jewels for all budgets: “There are very beautiful pieces for 25 euros.In them I use white topaz or zafiro and noble metals that lower costs.I like to show all the gems in the world.Not for not being a diamond ceases to be a spectacular gem ".



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