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Home remedies to clean and take a shine to silver

Although it is true that there are less and less households in which decorative elements are found in silver, if you are one of those who still have them and clean them it becomes an odyssey, take note of our advice to do it in the simplest way andWith options you would never have imagined.

Prevent silver from becoming opaque and without brightness requires regular cleaning.There are specific products in the marking to shine to La Plata, but in this article we will reveal some cheaper home tricks and with products that you will easily find at home.

Our first advice consists of a mixture of salt with salt.To do this, throw a tablespoon of salt on a cup with boiling water and introduce your silver objects and let it act all night.Once that time has passed, clean the money with a dry cloth.This trick is mainly for jewels.

Another option to clean silver is using sodium bicarbonate and vinegar.This mixture consists in adding a sodium bicarbonate spoon on vinegar and introducing silver objects.Finally, rub the piece with a dry cloth.

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Toothpaste can also be a great ally to clean these products.Apply a good amount on the piece and rub hard for 5 minutes with the help of a brush.Next, you will simply have to rinse and dry.

Aluminum foil is another of the best known remedies.To do this, a large aluminum -based container prepares in which you must introduce hot water, salt and the object in question.After 10 minutes, take them out and pass a soft cloth to shine.

A banana peel?Yeah.This is another trick that consists of passing the inner part of the peel to polish silver objects.You will see how your coverage is shines.

Lemon is also a very used food in home cleaning.In this case, we will spread salt on the lemon to rub on the piece to polish.After a few minutes, rinse and rub with a soft cloth to check the results.

Finally, a home remedy with ketchup.We will introduce the piece into a bowl with ketchup or wet the ketchup with a soft cloth so that between all holes.After a while, we clarify with warm water and dry with a cloth to shine.



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