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The trick of the professionals who never told you to resurrect your money

If you also stay this face when looking at your money, one of two: or you have a champion's soul and you do not like to lose or the plates, or the brightness of your Argentine belongings is more spoiled than the economy.

In the first case, conquering the number 1 will lead you colossal efforts that you should keep all your life.In the second, you will only need 5 minutes to return the joy to your precious metals and, with them, to your face.

First I will explain how to prepare your silver objects for a tuning.Then we will see the video of our colleagues from the United Kingdom, who explain in less than a minute how to leave the shiny money.And the best, to the end: I will show you my trick to protect them and work the miracle of not seeing them old.

Before cleaning silver ...

-Lake it with warm water and detergent, thus eliminating remains of fat or dirt.It will be carefully afterwards since the remains of water would oxidize it (care with hollow objects).

-The cotton gloves employ, because the rubber blackens the silver and you should not therefore approach them (even skin acids can leave marks in silver).

Returning his previous life

El truco de los profesionales que nunca te contaron para resucitar tu plata

Our homeserve colleagues, in the United Kingdom, also prepare videos to share their best professional tricks.And this time we teach us to resurrect the money with a product that we all have at home and use daily, do you guess?Exact: the dentifric.

As they explain, the silver is getting dark, losing its brightness and its whitish tone with the passage of time because of simple air exposure.That because?At the end of the post I tell you ... Now, attend to this Videocsejo:

  1. Cubre con una capa de pasta de dientes tu objeto de plata, aplicándola con los dedos y no dejando ni un hueco por bañar.
  2. Añade un poco de agua caliente, y frota el objeto con un cepillo de dientes (cerdas suaves, preferiblemente), aprovechando la espuma que se originará. Púlelo en toda su superficie durante unos pocos minutos, aplicando la misma presión en cada punto para no obtener resultados desiguales.
  3. Aclara el objeto debajo de agua templada y sécalo. Utiliza un trapo suave y ensáñate por igual con bordes, esquinas y cada cara del objeto.

Now that you have an earlier and shiny version of your small silver treasure in your hands, only the final trick remains to be applied:

Immortalizing your money

With great care, apply with a fine brush a layer of metal protective varnish.It exists, and it is wonderful: it will create an invisible and protective barrier of the environment, which will immortalize your beloved silver avoiding having to repeat this process often.

What have these ideas seemed to rescue your silver things?Do you have any trick to take care of your metal objects, restore them, or make their brightness last longer?

Did you know…? The silver is not "oxidized", since it does not react with oxygen (O2) of the air, but with sulfur, which is found in our atmosphere in the form of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), product of the combustion of coal and Petroleum.

Al reaccionar nuestra plata con este azufre se forma sulfuro de plata (Ag2S), que empaña su superficie. Observarás cómo se cubre de un punteado amarillento que se va oscureciendo hasta volverse negro con el paso del tiempo y la acción de la luz, pues una mayor temperatura facilita la reacción.

PD: Maria, I know you read me, so you have no excuse: now you know how to always have that money you brought to me from London ...

Photo: Official Facebook of Maria Sharapova.

Tags: varnish, brightness, brush, cutlery, jewelry, María Sharapova, medals, toothpaste, silver, trick, videocensejo | stored in: decoration, paint, repair, videoconsejos



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