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A New Zealand minister, interrupted by a phallic-shaped carrot: "Never buy the weirdly shaped pack again"

Carmel Sepuloni, New Zealand's Minister for Social Development, was caught in a pinch while on a zoom interview when her son walked into the room carrying a foreign object in his hand that the camera quickly picked up. It was a phallic-shaped carrot... And all hell broke loose.

Sepuloni was being interviewed by video call on Radio Samoa, and received a visit from her son, as she herself explained on her Twitter account, according to the newspaper 'The Guardian'.

Very embarrassing situation for the minister who was surprised. She couldn't have imagined it. She tells it like this: "That moment when you're doing a live interview on Zoom and your son walks into the room screaming and holding a carrot that looks like a male body part."

And she added her in that tweet. "Yeah, we almost got into each other over a carrot on TV, and yeah, I'm laughing about it now, but not right now!"

She, in fact, had no choice but to enter from home when she was confined and it so happened that many situations came together that led to that final. A delicate moment live.

Anyway, Sepuloni ends on a humorous note, a sign that she took it as an anecdote. "Note to self: never buy the oddly shaped package of carrots again."



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