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EBAY will validate the authenticity of luxury watches

Hace má s de un año, eBay activó un Programa Autenticación para verificar los productos de lujo, en ese momento, el programa cubría solo los bolsos, carteras y otros artículos, valorados en más de US$500 y producidos por marcas como Balenciaga, Burberry, Céline, Chanel, Christian Dior, Fendi, Goyard, Gucci, Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Prada o Valentino. Ahora, se conoció que la empresa incluirá los relojes lujosos a este programa.eBay validará la autenticidad de relojes de lujo eBay validará la autenticidad de relojes de lujo

EBAY Authenticate, expands its service to verify the authenticity of luxury watches sales of more than 30 brands such as Audemars Piguet, Breitling, Patek Philippe and Rolex.

To verify the product, the seller must send its garment, so that a network of brand specialists, - established by the company - verify that it is legitimate.Once they pass the exam, they will receive a "verified authenticity" badge that identifies that a clock is true.

eBay validará la autenticidad de relojes de lujo

The initial selection will include approximately 7,000 new and used watches, which can be extended up to 10,000 in the coming weeks.They are valued from US $ 500 to almost US $ 50,000.

Until now, the company has not described the costs for merchants, but for the bag verification service, 20 percent of the final sale price, Poshmark - another company that offers a similar service - charges the same percentage, whileOthers such as The Realreal get a lower percentage.

Without a doubt, it is an important inclusion, since the online sales service, millions of watches are exhibited, of different brands that are not always authentic and are valued in tens of thousands of dollars.

According to EBAY, the watches cover the percentage of best -selling products: "Someone buys a clock every five seconds, according to the company."

It should be noted that this does not mean that replicas sellers cannot offer their watches on the site, however, it provides greater credibility and confidence to buyers.



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