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Filter to create photos with deceased relatives, a success on Tik Tok

In the context of COVID-19, which has left more than 2 million dead in the world, Green Screen Scan, the new filter introduced by TikTok, has caused a furor, since it allows you to create photographs with relatives or loved ones who have already died. .

This application has given the possibility to several users to create images with their loved ones who have passed away. Many of them posted videos or photos with people who for various reasons are not present.

"It made me very happy to be able to see myself now with my father," said Alexis Puckett, 19, who posted a video using the last photo he had taken with his father, who died of cancer in 2018. Shortly after, the recording was it had been viewed 7.4 million times.

One of the people who saw the images was Sara Rogers, 19, and from them she was inspired to create a photo of herself with her mother, who died last year in a car accident. "It looked too realistic and it was very emotional for me," she said.

Adrianne Taylor, 21, said she, too, was moved to tears the moment she began posing "with" her father in the photo. Her father died of brain cancer in 2012 when she was just a teenager.

Given the reiteration of testimonies from people who used this function, Sean Kim, product manager for TikTok in the US, defined the use of this tool as "inspiring".

"This use of Green Screen Scan is another inspiring example of the creativity and heart of our community. We're proud to see them continue to use TikTok to tell stories and share meaningful moments with the world," the executive told BuzzFeed News.

But it's not just the TikTok filter that has had a profound effect on TikTok users, sharing their complicated grief has also prompted strangers to message them, offering their condolences and also relating to their joy and sadness.

"People's kind feedback and genuine understanding of my pain was so relaxing and unlike anything I've ever experienced before," added another user who has already had contact with the filter.

With information from Buzz Feed and RT

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