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The first yacht with a private jet on board



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The J'ade offers all kinds of luxuries, to an flood garage.

The garage can be used as a pool.

The price of the j'ade yacht could be around 10 million euros.

The J'ade is able to navigate 16 knots (30 km/h).

El multimillonario ruso, de nombre Vasily Klyukin, está afincado en Mónaco y ya ha sido el artífice de varios rascacielos de alta tecnología. Ahora ha querido diseñar este yate que permite que un pequeño jet privado se aloje encima del barco y pueda despegar en cualquier momento. Aunque en un primer momento la idea suena algo descabellada, Klyukin es conocido por sus proyectos de ciencia ficción que finalmente se llegan a materializar.

"Honestly, I think we can create a future giving the guidelines to think," Klyukin said CNN."The upper cover is part of the yacht, and the plane is independent at the same time. If necessary, it will rise up with the help of the screws embedded in the wings, becoming a helicopter. It is not enough to cross the Atlantic or forFlying Hong Kong by helicopter, therefore, after winning the necessary altitude and speed, it is possible to turn on reaction engines. "

El primer yate con un jet privado a bordo

Although it is not yet known when this superyte with an incorporated plane will be built, its name Monaco 2050 may offer some clue.At the moment, his designer says he can become a reality in the coming years.

Source: Justuxe

Photos: Vasily Klyukin

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The Swarovski Philmi yacht, a floating jewel

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The Philmi yacht is the only one decorated with Swarovski crystals.

The Italian Philmi yacht decorated with Swarovski crystals has 43 meters in length.

Swarovski, the company Melot+Trillo and Naval Engineer Martin Francis have decorated the interior of the Philmi yacht.

The Sortryate Philmi has two covers to enjoy the outdoors.

At Sortryate Philmi you can not miss a luxury jacuzzi.

The Swarovski yacht offers five custom luxury cabins.



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